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Teflon And Rubber

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Hi class, this page is our project for silly Thaqafeh 3elmieh. It's about Material Technology and Petrochemical Products. Hope you will understand and concentrate on what we wrote here.
If you have any questions, please ask Dr_Ras (who doesn't really exist).
for further information, please contact the students of Dr_Ras.
brought to you by:
Team Of Dr_Ras
* p.s: This project has taken alot much more time and effort than we had thought of, please allow us to take the A ;)
Why did we ever think of doing such a hard job?
Maybe because someone (donno who), asked us to teach a part of this subject in a very new, interisting, modern way that no one thought of before, and only allowed one group to take the A.
with all of our respect and thanks to this unknown, mysterious person.
And who is that brilliant person who thought of this idea?
At the biggining, it was an idea brougt to us by a brilliant girl called "Sumaia" from the IGCSE, and then done by the Dr_Ras girls group.
After about more than two weeks and a half of hard work, this is what the group made, to give you all as much knowledge and intertainment as we can.
One more thing, "Sumaia" is going to get a very nice gift after we finish our presentation, and so will every person who gives us more ideas.

What are we going to find in this site?
try, take risks, and enter a new adventure to find out what is in this site, and when you're done, it shall be your turn to tell others about what you've read and found, and about how great this site is, BUT before that, you all have to tell our very nice teacher who is standing behind our backs, how much you liked this page and that this project should get the A.
You may send us your suggestions to Dr_Ras's private e-mail.
Dr_Ras shall answer all of your questions, and shall be glad to hear from any of you.
send an email

Questions and Comments
If u'd like to send Dr_Ras a question, comment, or any other thing that u have in mind, please don't hesitate.
Send an email

Dr_Ras Group